Teleflora's Pink Pink Bouquet


You don't need a special occasion to show your loved ones how much you care. Surprise them with Teleflora's Pink Pink Bouquet and bring a smile to their face. Whether it's at their office or home, this bouquet is the perfect way to express your affection without the need for a specific event.

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Teleflora's Pink Pink Bouquet

You don't need a special occasion to show your loved ones how much you care. Surprise them with Teleflora's Pink Pink Bouquet and bring a smile to their face. Whether it's at their office or home, this bouquet is the perfect way to express your affection without the need for a specific event.
Order T18-2A Sale $94.95 Add To Cart

You don't need a special occasion to show your loved ones how much you care. Surprise them with Teleflora's Pink Pink Bouquet and bring a smile to their face. Whether it's at their office or home, this bouquet is the perfect way to express your affection without the need for a specific event.

You don't need a special occasion to show your loved ones how much you care. Surprise them with Teleflora's Pink Pink Bouquet and bring a smile to their face. Whether it's at their office or home, this bouquet is the perfect way to express your affection without the need for a specific event.

This carefully arranged bouquet features flowers that hold their own unique meanings. The bright pink Asiatic lilies symbolize royalty, while the waxflowers represent lasting love. The Seeded Eucalyptus adds a touch of protection, and the Pink Alstroemeria shows warmth and affection. Finally, the lavender stock reflects your devotion.

Teleflora's Pink Pink Bouquet is a one-of-a-kind arrangement of symbolic flowers that's perfect for expressing your love for those closest to you. It comes in a stylish and elegant pink vase that adds a touch of sophistication to any room.

Our flowers are hand-picked and delivered fresh to your desired address. You can rest assured that your bouquet will arrive on time and in perfect condition, as we only deliver the freshest blooms. Whether you order in advance or take advantage of our same-day delivery service, our local florists in Canada and the U.S. will ensure that your loved ones receive their gift on the date you choose.

Item No. T18-2A

Price: $94.95

Flowers by local florists to: Retirement Homes, Nursing Homes, Hospices, Military Bases, Wedding and Banquet Halls, Corporate Offices
Flower Delivery to cities in Nevada: Las Vegas |
Flower Delivery across United States: AL | AK | AZ | AR | CA | CO | CT | DE | FL | GA | HI | ID | IL | IN | IA | KS | KY | LA | ME | MD | MA | MI | MN